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Game Playing Microwave?
Every now and then human beings make some amazing discoveries for the benefit of mankind and other times we just get it completely...
7 Gift Ideas for Mom and Dad's Big Day
Hey Guys, don't forget that Mothers' and Father's Days are coming up soon and with the fact that some people have been separated from...
Get Ready for Tax Season - Google Adsense
If you have a question about your specific tax situation, or if the IRS has placed a lien on your earnings, please contact the IRS...
Helium Connects People
Earn a minimum of USD 680.00 per month with the Helium Network
Invest more in your Marriage and less in your Wedding
Proverbs 18:22 says, 22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD. As a typical human being I never gave...
10 Individuals' Real Life Regrets of Having Children
Some people regret having children, see why these feelings surface.
How much Money is too Much in your 20s
Money makes the world spin. Money makes your house warm and makes enemies your friend. Money covers your feet and feeds your belly....
Why some Managers don't like Making Decisions
Decision making uses mental energy that eventually runs out. The more decisions you make, the more depleted you become. A decision is not...
What to Do during a Volcano Ashfall
Currently the volcano, Mt Soufriere in St. Vincent and the Grenadines has erupted. It actually was giving signs earlier this year and...
All you Need to Know about a Crypto Exchange before you Exchange
What is an Exchange? This is the first thing you need to know before embarking on any cryptocurrency transaction! A Crypto exchange is a...
Jireh's Table
A Blog for Everyone
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